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Plants, Plant Gifts For Mother

Mother's Day Plant Collection

Local Same Day & Express Delivery Service

Mayfield Florist offers the best selection of beautiful Mother's Day Plants in Tucson, Arizona. We offer all your favorites. Choose from beautiful flowering baskets, gorgeous dish gardens, live green plants and stunning Phalaenopsis orchids. You're right to wonder if a flowering plant is the right choice for your Mom for Mothers Day. It's a great choice!

Flowering plants are perfect for moms because they're so beautiful and look good anywhere—from the kitchen table to the dining room table. They also make great gifts because they're easy to care for, and they last for weeks or months after you bring them home from the florist.

There are several types of flowering plants that are really popular for Mother's Day. We sell a ton of European dish gardens, flowering baskets and quite a few live green plants. We find that Arizona moms absolutely love high desert succulent dish gardens. A flower dish garden is a plant gift that's made up of a variety of plants that you can plant in any container. It can be a great gift because it gives you more flexibility than other plant gifts, like potted plants or annuals.

We create traditional dish gardens and succulent dish gardens using many different types of containers. The most popular options are containers that are easy to water, like terra cotta pots. If you're looking for something more permanent, you can also use decorative planters and vases.

The best part about creating a flower dish garden is that there are no rules about what goes where—you can arrange your plants however you want! So if your recipient has red flowers on their mantelpiece or blue flowers in their living room, this is a great way to give them something they'll love no matter where they decide to put it.

Our firm is one of the premier floral design firms operating in Tucson, Arizona. If you are in the area, please stop in and visit our brand new flower shop location at 2200 North Wilmot Road, Tucson, AZ 85712. The design center has a beautiful customer showroom, open to the public for in-store shopping. Our showroom is filled with occasion themed gifts. It has a large walk-in cooler. The award-winning floral design staff at Mayfield Florist keeps that cooler filled with beautiful, farm-fresh floral bouquets, themed for many different occasions.